[Application] Nobonori Ka'on (WIP)

Nobonori, Ka'on


Personnel File
Birthday: 05/16
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese

Physical Specifications
Height and Weight:
Use metric units
Eyes: Color
Hair: Color
General Appearance:

Ka'on possesses the features of a typical high school girl, presumably in her junior or senior year. Though the thing that makes her stand out from the rest of the crowd is her shoulder length luminous cherry blossom hair with whispy short bangs. Additionally her cherry blossom hair covers her forehead. She possesses a pair of soft pink colored irises, coupled with dim pupils and wide circular eyes. She possesses an oval shaped face

Psychological Profile

Ka'on is the kind of individual who's only in it for herself, meaning that she doesn't pursue goals or uphold ideals for the sake of someone's wish. If anything she'd rather not be in the dept of others being that it interrupts her progress, thus causing her to rethink her actions. As such she would much prefer to do things on her own terms as opposed to do something because it was requested from her. This means that she's someone who'll bend the rules in order to satisfy her own selfish desires, after all rules are meant to be broken.

Ka'on isn't the most loyal individual to encounter, for she's willing to abandon those who doesn't meet her expectations. In truth she's a neutral person who doesn't fully align with anyone being that she doesn't like feeling tied down to a place for an extended period of time. Though there are times when she has no choice but to be under ones roof such as the Gotei, due to the unfortunate circumstances in her life that forced her to make a decision. Although if an opportunity presents itself, then she wouldn't hesitate to seize it, however, she may succumb to conflicting emotions based on her decisions, for she seeks a place with a slew of opportunities that gives her a chance to cultivate her skills so she may cut the ties that bind her.

Outside of the slew of negatives that infect her personality, she's in fact a headstrong, and ferice individual who detests giving up, in that it means she isn't strong enough to fight through the doubts that people have in her. Whenever she loses it just means that she's proving people right about her, a weak pathetic coward which causes her to be fueled with anger should she be defeated in battle. This anger isn't an uncontrollable kind, but more of a determined kind. The type of anger that motivates her, and push her to do everything in her power to eliminate her obstacles. Thus she persistently trains her mind and body equally so that there won't be anyone with equal strength as her, for she strives to have no equals. Moreover she doesn't want people to doubt her, instead she wants to be acknowledged and praised.

Zanpakutō File
Zanpakutō Spirit:
At least a paragraph describing your spirit's appearance and their relationship with your character.

Inner World At least a few sentences describing your character's inner world and how it relates to your character.

Sealed Zanpakutō A brief description of what your character's Zanpakutō looks like in its sealed state.

Shikai Appearance
"Your release phrase"

If applicable, describe how your character's appearance and Zanpakutō change when entering Shikai. Otherwise, remove this section.

Shikai Abilities: If applicable, describe your character's power while in Shikai and how it relates to your character. Otherwise, remove this section.

Bankai Appearance
"Your release phrase"

If applicable, describe how your character's appearance and Zanpakutō change when entering Bankai. Otherwise, remove this section.

Bankai Abilities: If applicable, describe your character's power while in Bankai and how it relates to your character. Otherwise, remove this section.

Documented History

At least a few sentences describing your character's history prior to becoming a Shinigami. Do note that after a decade of being in the Rukongai, all memories of your character's mortal life are completely forgotten. The human history should be used more as a justification for character appearance, given name, and, in some cases, the appearance of your character's Zanpakutō and/or power.

Relevant Background
At least a paragraph detailing your character's time as a Shinigami and any relevant events that have shaped your character.
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