[Shinigami] Gakiya, Hangaku

我喜屋 藩学

Third Divison/Fourth Seat


Personnel File
Birthday: 09/12
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Japanese

Physical Specifications
Height and Weight:
She stands at 153 centimeters tall and weighs 48 kilograms. Her slender frame is deceptive with its muscle mass being just as toned and battle hardened as if she was from the eleventh.
Eyes: Her iris resembles the color of plum, swirling hues of red and blue mix together to create dark mutated shades of purple that contrasts the off-white pupil.
Hair: Hangaku’s hair is kept short with a two-layered approach. The bottom layer is buzz cut with auburn roots that are covered by the upper layer of an ear length fringe that has become darker in tint due to exposure.
Spiritual Traits: Normally her spiritual vibe is vibrant and warm, when intensified or under little duress hues of a light fuchsia are noticeable and carries the faintest wafting scent of lilac and rosemary. The reiatsu has a calming sensation to it.

Though suppressed when tensions flare and emotions are high, the intensity of her reiatsu increases tenfold with it becoming chilling that Hangaku herself becomes cold to the touch. The lovely scent known to many turning rotten with the taste of sanguine tainting the distinctive smell.
General Appearance: Often finding herself in more traditional attire as opposed to some of the younger generation, Hangku wears various floral patterned kimonos or yukatas when not in her uniform. Made from incredibly fine silk or cotton depending on the season the attires are more elegant and quiet than the exciting and vibrant variants others wear.

Her figure is hidden well but if she was to wear something more form fitting, the curvature of hips reveal an hourglass shape. A thinner waist and bustier thighs compliment the small woman.

Psychological Profile
Positive Traits

  • Devoted: Hangaku is fiercely loyal to her job, friends and moral ethics. She is a friend for life to those that show the same respect back and is the first to jump in danger’s way. Her ethics stand far and above everything else, she will not compromise who she is for anyone.

  • Magnanimous: Centuries of maturity has accumulated into a soul that believes in salvation from oneself. Evil doers deserve a second chance if they can show a commitment to change for the better. Her belief is that the Seireitei is tasked with bringing the people who commit crimes of circumstances up and provide the facility to improve oneself and as such is always attempting to recruit into the academy and those that show promise into the kido corps.

  • Scholarly: Someone who believes that the seeds of knowledge sprout growth to flowers of power. Hangaku is actively partaking in learning and developing not only her body and soul, but also her mind as a sharp tool. Talks and studies of philosophy and what it means to be a shinigami in this era is by far her favorite topic.

  • Vivacious: She is lively and always making sure there is activity afoot, a busy body that cannot sit still she is always fidgeting with her hands to keep her mind preoccupied and as such loves to explore the unknown and venture forth without hesitation.

  • Warm: Though it may seem obvious to all, Hangaku is a friendly individual that tries to bring the best out of everyone she surrounds herself with. As a mentor, companion or even a lover to her belated husband the woman strives to accommodate and accept anyone that crosses her path and be the gentle soul they can vent to. Offering both advice and a shoulder when needed, Hangaku’s residence has an open door policy at all times.
Negative Traits
  • Artificial: A complex persona is hidden from plain sight, the motherly figure has a history of darkness and the loss of her husband has caused the screws to slightly turn loose. There is at times an obvious side to Hangaku that causes one to question her motives, a mask of friendliness is used to suppress these feelings.

  • Conceited: While not openly vain, often she fetishizes the past and more glorious days of Seireitei and as such judges harshly on those that open up to her while looking somewhat down on them. Stupidity has no place within the ranks of the Shinigami and while she promotes the growth of the academy she only truly cares for those who show excellence.

  • Loquacious: Hangaku is one who loves to talk, debate and at times is the one that is so active in conversation she drowns out the parties. A sign of willingness to engage with anyone but a trait that many find annoying, a general rule of silence is golden does not exist to the women who will talk to you for the sake of filling dead air.

  • Pugnacious: Over the years her anger has quelled thanks to maturing, however after the loss of her husband and now the cracks are seeping with annoyance. She is a ticking time bomb as she internalizes her own conflicts and helps others deal with theirs for better or worse, and as such has a tendency to lash out when angered, especially in combat.

  • Vulnerable: The losses she has frequent and the lack of experience dealing with her own internal struggles has led to a woman whose heart belongs on her sleeve no matter how many walls she surrounds herself with. Deep down she fights with wanting to help those around her while also opening herself up to her more primal instincts. The composure she once held has been lost to countless sleeps and tear filled nights.
Zanpakutō File
明星 Myojo (Morning Star)
Zanpakutō Spirit:
Embraced within the ethereal aura of an androgynous zanpakutō spirit, an awe-inspiring vision unfolds—a form in perpetual flux, a celestial dance of shimmering stars and cosmic bodies, revealing ever-changing constellations against a backdrop of profound darkness. Devoid of identifiable gender characteristics, this mysterious being, known as Myojo, is referred to as male by Hangaku, who insists on using appropriate honorifics.

Cloaked in a weathered, threadbare silk robe, Myojo stands at a humble stature of 167 centimeters, forever hunched, concealing his true height as if guarding enigmatic secrets within his stooped frame.

A voice reverberates through vast spaces, a symphony of echoes entwined with every word, a manifestation of countless voices converging. Surprisingly, despite this harmonious chorus, Hangaku has witnessed no discernible shifts in Myojo's personality throughout their bond over the years.

Myojo's essence diverges greatly from Hangaku's serious demeanor. This mischievous entity takes delight in childlike pranks, playfully interrupting conversations with a resonant voice that effortlessly captivates attention. Yet beneath the facade of mirth lies a profound seriousness, tempered by Hangaku's influence but seldom revealed.

When circumstances demand it, Myojo assumes a proactive role, mirroring Hangaku's past volatility and impulsive nature. Embracing practical teachings, this enigmatic companion emphasizes the wisdom gained through experience, harmoniously blending profound philosophy with moments of practicality and joy.

Inner World: Hangaku's inner world is a breathtaking cosmic tapestry, where the celestial majesty unfolds in all its splendor. Stepping into this ethereal realm, she enters a vast expanse adorned with countless stars, casting a radiant glow upon the obsidian sky. Nebulae of vibrant hues dance gracefully, painting cosmic masterpieces across the celestial canvas. Amidst this celestial symphony, a magnificent centerpiece emerges—an immense crystalline structure pulsating with an otherworldly energy. It stands as the nexus of power, resonating with the depths of Hangaku's being.

Within this celestial realm, a subtle hum fills the air, carrying the harmonious resonance of cosmic energy. Secrets of the cosmos whisper through every atom, inviting Hangaku to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. Ethereal pathways wind through the expanse, guiding her to hidden corners of enlightenment. It is here that she finds solace, a sanctuary where the boundless power of the cosmos intertwines with the depths of her own spirit. In this serene haven, Hangaku communes with the profound mysteries of the universe, delving into the limitless depths of her potential.

As she navigates her inner world, Hangaku witnesses the interconnectedness of all things. Cosmic energies ebb and flow, reflecting the intricate dance of the universe itself. The celestial tapestry serves as a reminder of her place within the grand cosmic design, inspiring her to embrace her cosmic essence and wield its power with grace and purpose.

Sealed Zanpakutō: In its sealed state, Myojo's zanpakutō embodies a subtle yet captivating allure. The katana, measuring around 70 centimeters, achieves a delicate balance between agility and striking power. Its steel blade emits a soft luminosity, reminiscent of moonlit rays gently illuminating the surroundings.

The blade's surface displays intricate patterns resembling celestial constellations, their cosmic motifs woven with understated elegance. Wrapped in midnight-blue silk, the hilt offers a comfortable grip that seamlessly melds with the hand. A silver guard, adorned with celestial designs, separates the hilt from the blade, providing a graceful transition. The pommel, adorned with a modest sapphire gem, adds a touch of refinement to the overall design.

Shikai Appearance
輝け、明星!Kagayake, Meisei! (Shine, Morningstar!)

Upon the activation of Hangaku's shikai, a captivating transformation befalls her zanpakutō, unveiling a realm of celestial beauty. The once pristine blade, previously gleaming with a luminous steel hue, now radiates with an ethereal luminescence that mirrors the brilliance of distant stars. Elaborate cosmic patterns, more pronounced and intricately interwoven, grace the blade's surface, resembling celestial constellations brought to life.

The hilt, too, undergoes a subtle metamorphosis, becoming a conduit for the celestial radiance that engulfs the weapon. The midnight-blue silk wrapping emits a soft, enchanting glow, as if it has absorbed the essence of a starry night sky. An ornate silver guard, adorned with celestial motifs of exquisite craftsmanship, emanates a captivating luminosity, further accentuating the otherworldly allure of the zanpakutō.

Shikai Abilities: Hangaku's Shikai unleashes a captivating spectacle as shimmering stardust engulfs her blade, dazzling her opponents' senses. The ethereal glow and mesmerizing patterns momentarily disorient and distract them, impairing their focus and reactions. Entranced by the celestial beauty, their attention is diverted from Hangaku's imminent danger. Exploiting this split-second advantage, she seizes the initiative and launches precise attacks.

Beneath its visual allure, the stardust possesses a hidden power—a subtle gravitational pull. As Hangaku wields her blade in combat, the faint gravitational force exerted by the stardust subtly alters the trajectories of incoming attacks. Projectiles and melee strikes veer off course, their intended impact lost or misdirected. The minute adjustments in trajectory, influenced by the stardust's gravitational manipulation, provide Hangaku with a significant advantage in evading and deflecting enemy assaults.

Documented History

In the tumultuous era of the 13th century, a land scarred by the ravages of war witnessed the rise of a formidable warrior. Hangaku, a revered figure among her people, held the esteemed role of shaman within her tribe, attuned to the ancient wisdom and spiritual forces that flowed through the world. Rooted in the beliefs of shamanism, she guided her people with a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between the physical and spiritual realms.

As the Mongol invasions cast their shadow over the land, Hangaku's tribe faced the relentless onslaught of foreign forces. Amidst the chaos, treachery seeped into the fabric of their existence. Betrayed by one they had once trusted, the tribe was torn asunder, their unity shattered. This act of betrayal shook Hangaku to her core, challenging the very foundations of her beliefs and casting doubt upon her purpose.

In the midst of this turmoil, Hangaku's journey took an unexpected turn. Embracing her innate warrior spirit, she emerged as a beacon of resilience and unwavering determination. In a fateful battle against overwhelming odds, Hangaku fought valiantly, sacrificing herself for the survival of her tribe and the preservation of their ancestral traditions. Her name would fade from the pages of history, but her legacy endured, carrying the echoes of her indomitable spirit and the echoes of her tribe's shamanistic heritage.

Relevant Background
Within the expansive realm of the Soul Society, Hangaku's spirit stirred from its slumber, awakening to the mystical energies that permeated her surroundings. Embracing this newfound awakening, she embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and purpose. Along her path, she encountered a seasoned Shinigami who recognized the dormant potential within her.

Guided by the wisdom and intuition of her Shinigami companion, a deep connection blossomed between them. Together, they traversed the challenges of spiritual training, finding strength in each other's presence. As their bond deepened, a profound love emerged, fueling their shared pursuit of growth and understanding.

Yet, the tragic loss of Hangaku's husband in a fateful battle shattered her heart, leaving an enduring pain in its wake. Overwhelmed by grief, she made the difficult decision to step down from her role as a teacher at the esteemed Shin'ō Academy. The weight of her sorrow and unanswered questions about the creation of asauchi, the soulless weapons wielded by Shinigami, haunted her thoughts. This loss and internal struggle led her on a quest to seek solace and find meaning amidst the imbalanced souls brought ravanaging the balance of worlds.

As Hangaku journeyed through the depths of her soul, she grappled with doubt and sought to comprehend the true essence of her existence. The once passionate and dedicated teacher found herself adrift, questioning the foundations of her beliefs and yearning for a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm. It was within this inner exploration that Hangaku's path diverged, leading her toward an uncertain future where her choices and destiny remained intertwined with the intricate threads of her soul.
Strength: 20
Defense: 20
Speed: 30
Spirit: 40

Zanpakutō Resonance:
Zanjutsu: Novice/2
Hakuda: Beginner/1
Shunpō: Novice/2
Reiatsu Perception: Journeyman/3
Kidō: Expert/4

Shikai: Myojo
After release, all Dodge Checks initiated by Hangaku move one tier in her favor, but only if the attacker is within melee range. After two Rounds, an action must be spent to renew this effect.
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